Romance Comedy Drama
A teenage orphan (who believes herself to be "hoodooed") is taken in by a childless couple and quickly falls for the boy next door; Her luck seems to have changed. But the idyll is broken up after a trip to the movies-- It seems the 'hoodoo' has returned after she tries to replicate what she'd seen on the screen.
Directed by
Lloyd Ingraham
Written by
D.W. Griffith
Robert Harron
Jimmie Vance
Carl Stockdale
Gordon Sanderson / Mustang Charley
Mae Marsh
Hoodoo Ann
Mildred Harris
Elmo Lincoln
Officer Lambert
Lloyd Ingraham
Anna Dodge
Sarah Higgins
Madame Sul-Te-Wan
Black Cindy
Loyola O'Connor
Elinor Knapp
William H. Brown
Wilson Vance
Wilbur Higby
Samuel Knapp
Pearl Elmore
Miss Prudence Scraggs
Charles Lee
Bill Higgins
Robert Lawler
Constable Drake

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