Action Drama Thriller
The true story of anti-apartheid activists in South Africa, and particularly the life of Patrick Chamusso, a timid foreman at Secunda CTL, the largest synthetic fuel plant in the world. Patrick is wrongly accused, imprisoned and tortured for an attempt to bomb the plant, with the injustice transforming the apolitical worker into a radicalised insurgent, who then carries out his own successful sabotage mission.
Directed by
Phillip Noyce
Tim Robbins
Nic Vos
Derek Luke
Patrick Chamusso
Marius Weyers
Police Brigadier
Bonnie Mbuli
Precious Chamusso
Jay Anstey
Katie Vos
Susan Danford
White Madam
Robert Hobbs
Special Branch Lieutenant
Tumisho Masha
Michele Burgers
Anna Vos
Erno Van Dyk
Security Branch Policeman
Mncedisi Shabangu
Zuko September
Sithembiso Khumalo
Terry Pheto
Mpho Lovinga
Johnny Piliso
Charlotte Savage
Marie Vos
Nomhlé Nkyonyeni
Mama Dorothy
Michael Mabizela
Shaven Head Bomber
Eduan van Jaarsveldt
Special Branch Sergeant
Nomhle Nkonyeni
Mama Dorothy

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