Comedy Mystery
When a local man's corpse appears on a nearby hillside, no one is quite sure what happened to him. Many of the town's residents secretly wonder if they are responsible, including the man's ex-wife, Jennifer, and Capt. Albert Wiles, a retired seaman who was hunting in the woods where the body was found. As the no-nonsense sheriff gets involved and local artist Sam Marlowe offers his help, the community slowly unravels the mystery.
Directed by
Alfred Hitchcock
Shirley MacLaine
Jennifer Rogers
Royal Dano
Calvin Wiggs
Edmund Gwenn
Captain Wiles
Mildred Natwick
Miss Gravely
John Forsythe
Sam Marlowe
Jerry Mathers
Arnie Rogers
Mildred Dunnock
Mrs. Wiggs
Parker Fennelly
Dwight Marfield
Dr. Greenbow
Barry Macollum
Leslie Woolf
Art Critic (uncredited)
Philip Truex
Harry Worp (uncredited)
Ernest Curt Bach
Chauffeur (uncredited)

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