Animation Sci-Fi Action Adventure
Travel across the galaxy with John Sheridan as he unexpectedly finds himself transported through multiple timelines and alternate realities in a quest to find his way back home. Along the way he reunites with some familiar faces, while discovering cosmic new revelations about the history, purpose, and meaning of the Universe.
Directed by
Matt Peters
Written by
J. Michael Straczynski
Phil LaMarr
Dr. Stephen Franklin (voice)
Bruce Boxleitner
John Sheridan (voice)
Claudia Christian
Susan Ivanova (voice)
Peter Jurasik
Londo Mollari (voice)
Tracy Scoggins
Elizabeth Lochley (voice)
Bill Mumy
Lennier (voice)
Piotr Michael
David Sheridan / Trudan / Marcus Cole (voice)
Patricia Tallman
Lyta Alexander (voice)
Mara Junot
Reporter / Computer Voice (voice)
Paul Guyet
Zathras / Jeffery Sinclair (voice)
Anthony Hansen
Michael Garibaldi (voice)
Rebecca Riedy
Delenn / Young Sheridan (voice)

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