Animation Comedy Sci-Fi
In the aftermath of 0009: The Sharks Make Contact (2019), the surviving sharks have to deal with a destroyed moon, and try to stop Shoogledocking.
Directed by
Iki Ènèng
Written by
Iki Ènèng
Lily Thomas
Taxi Driver
Jodie Smith
Iki Ènèng
The Iki God
Ela Chopra
The Narrator
Rian Williams
Noora Lehtonen
Rekiniemi Resident 1
Diana Rodríguez
Hotel Lady
Leilani Nicolosi
Luke Horenko
Shark Military Officer
Jami Toivonen
Rekiniemi Child 3
Cynthia Abrams
Neighbor Sharkero
John Lewis
Daddy Sharkliam
Eetu Mäkelä
Rekiniemi Resident 2
Chloe Williams
Ship (voice)
Óscar Torrez
Camille McKenzie
Doctor Coogledoodle
Marko Nurmi
María Lopéz
Additional Spanish words

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