Action Comedy
Two bumbling scrap metal thieves - father and son - steal the wrong painting during a museum heist. The painting turns out to be the only original Rembrandt painting in Denmark, and all hell breaks loose. What do you do when you've got Interpol, the Danish police and the entire Danish underworld on your heels? And who was this Rembrandt guy anyway?
Directed by
Jannik Johansen
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Martin Wenner
Jakob Cedergren
Søren Pilmark
Nikolaj Lie Kaas
Kiosk Karsten
Paprika Steen
Lars Brygmann
Nicolas Bro
Merete Nørgaard
Søren Thomsen
Sonja Richter
John Martinus
Asger Gottlieb
Ole Ernst
Lasse Rimmer
Ulf Pilgaard
Anne Sofie Espersen
Søren Poppel
David Bateson
Mogens Holm
Kenth Rosenberg
Michael Fabricius Sand
Patrick O'Kane
Gordon Kennedy
Thomas Gabrielson
Niels Andersen
Lars Phister
Toshihito Inoue
Morten Lundholm
Yuesong Fan
Lotte Mejlhede
Pascal Lubrano
Paw Eriksen

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