Animation Drama Family
Kotaro visits Komada Distillery for a project on Japanese craft whisky. Led by young female president Rui, who took over the family business, the distillery works hard to reproduce its signature whisky, Koma, which they had to stop making years ago. However, not to mention financial backing, too many clues are missing to revive the once lost whisky.
Directed by
Masayuki Yoshihara
Saori Hayami
Rui Komada (voice)
Yuichi Nakamura
Kei Komada (voice)
Kikuko Inoue
Miō Komada (voice)
Kensho Ono
Kotaro Takahashi (voice)
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Yasumoto (voice)
Maaya Uchida
Tomoko Kawabata (voice)
Kenyu Horiuchi
Kō Komada (voice)
Kenichi Suzumura
Yūsuke Saitō (voice)
Shinpachi Tsuji
Rindo Tōkai (voice)

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