Drama History
When a plane crash claims the lives of members of the Marshall University football team and some of its fans, the team's new coach and his surviving players try to keep the football program alive.
Directed by
Written by
Cory Helms
Kate Mara
Annie Cantrell
Anthony Mackie
Nate Ruffin
Matthew McConaughey
Jack Lengyel
Ian McShane
Paul Griffen
Brian Geraghty
Tom Bogdan
Matthew Fox
Red Dawson
Robert Patrick
Rick Tolley (uncredited)
Arlen Escarpeta
Reggie Oliver
January Jones
Carole Dawson
David Strathairn
President Dedmon
Kimberly Williams-Paisley
Sandy Lengyel
Wes Brown
Chris Griffen
Kate Kneeland
Ticket Taker
Tommy Cresswell
Gene Morehouse
Nina Jones
Mrs. Morehouse
Huntley Ritter
Randy Linden
Bill Crabb
Gas Station Attendant
L. Warren Young
Mickey Jackson
Andrew Wilson Williams
David Lengyel
Amanda Best

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