Drama History
Several years after leaving the orphanage, to which her father never returned for her, Gabrielle Chanel finds herself working in a provincial bar. She's both a seamstress for the performers and a singer, earning the nickname Coco from the song she sings nightly with her sister. A liaison with Baron Balsan gives her an entree into French society and a chance to develop her gift for designing.
Directed by
Anne Fontaine
Audrey Tautou
Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel
Marie Gillain
Adrienne Chanel
Emmanuelle Devos
Emilienne d'Alençon
Franck Monsigny
Guest Balsan
Benoît Poelvoorde
Etienne Balsan
Marie Parouty
Sophie, Friend of Emilienne
Émilie Gavois-Kahn
Replacement Seamstress
Alessandro Nivola
Arthur 'Boy' Capel
Karina Marimon
Girl at Picnic
Roch Leibovici
Jean, Groom
Vincent Nemeth
Fat Man in the Theater
Claude Brécourt
Director Alcazar
Étienne Bartholomeus
Balsan Butler
Bruno Paviot
Guest Balsan
Pierre Diot
Actor in the Theater
Yan Duffas
Maurice de Nexon
Fabien Béhar
Shop Boss
Berenice Sand
Walker Deauville (uncredited)
Régis Royer
Alec, Jockey
Marie-Bénédicte Roy
Shop Client
Kim Schwarck
Girl in Coco's Lodge
Fanny Deblock
Balsan Prostitute
Jean-Chrétien Sibertin-Blanc
Jean-Yves Chatelais
Bellowing Director
Bruno Abraham-Kremer
Tailor in Deauville
Inès Bessalem
Adrienne Chanel, 10 Years Old
Patrick Laviosa
Pianist Bellowing at Balsan
Marthe Drouin
Bellowing Singer (uncredited)
Frantz Herman
Guest Balsan (uncredited)
Lisa Cohen
Gabrielle Chanel, 10 Years Old
Marie-Josée Hubert

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