Animation Adventure Family Fantasy
A lawless poacher wants to capture a majestic and rare golden eagle, so he kidnaps the boy who knows where to find the bird. Not to worry -- the Rescue Aid Society's top agents, heroic mice Miss Bianca and Bernard, fly to Australia to save the day. Accompanying the fearless duo are bumbling albatross Wilbur and local field operative Jake the Kangaroo Rat.
Directed by
Hendel Butoy, Mike Gabriel
Frank Welker
Joanna (voice)
Russi Taylor
Nurse Mouse (voice)
Bob Newhart
Bernard (voice)
George C. Scott
McLeach (voice)
Eva Gabor
Miss Bianca (voice)
Bernard Fox
Chairman / Doctor (voice)
Peter Firth
Red (voice)
John Candy
Wilbur (voice)
Mickie McGowan
International Mice (voice) (uncredited)
Ed Gilbert
Francois (voice)
Wayne Robson
Frank (voice)
Tristan Rogers
Jake (voice)
Billy Barty
Baitmouse (voice)
Douglas Seale
Krebbs (voice)
Adam Ryen
Cody (voice)
Peter Greenwood
Radio Announcer / Airplane Captain (voice)

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