Action Comedy
Eddie is a New York limo driver and a fanatical follower of the New York Knicks professional basketball team. The team is struggling with a mediocre record when, in mid-season, "Wild Bill" Burgess, the new owner, as a public relations gimmick, stages an 'honorary coach' contest, which Eddie wins. The fans love it, so "Wild Bill" fires the coach and hires her. She takes the bunch of overpaid prima
Directed by
Steve Rash
Richard Jenkins
Carl Zimmer
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Marc Blucas
Bench Knicks
Whoopi Goldberg
Eddie Franklin
John DiMaggio
Construction Worker
Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld (uncredited)
Dennis Rodman
San Antonio Spurs
Aasif Mandvi
Frank Langella
Wild Bill Burgess
David Letterman
David Letterman (uncredited)
Lisa Ann Walter
Dennis Farina
John Bailey
George O. Gore II
Mark Jones
Rick Fox
Terry Hastings
Isiah Whitlock Jr.
Alexandra Adi
ESPN Radio Announcer
Gary Payton
Rumeal Smith
John Salley
Nate Wilson
Rudolph Giuliani
Rudolph Giuliani
Troy Byer
Beth Hastings
Chris Berman
Chris Berman
Walt Frazier
Walt Frazier
Ed Koch
Ed Koch
John Benjamin Hickey
Joe Nader
Cedric Ceballos
Cedric Ceballos
John Starks
Pickup Player
Glenn 'Doc' Rivers
Glenn "Doc" Rivers
Malik Sealy
Stacy Patton
Mark Jackson
Darren "Preacher" Taylor
Greg Ostertag
Joe Sparks
Marv Albert
Marv Albert
Spud Webb
Spud Webb
Vlade Divac
Vlade Divac
Corie Blount
Corie Blount
Anthony Miller
Anthony Miller
Nick Van Exel
Nick Van Exel
Anthony Mason
Pickup Player
Herb Williams
Pickup Player
Danny Manning
Phoenix Suns

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