Adventure Action Romance Western
Adam Larey becomes a fugitive from justice when he escapes after being blamed for a crime he did not commit. He wanders into the desert wastelands and joins an outlaw gang who prey on gold prospectors. Years later, he meets his wife and her gold-prospecting father as they have come there seeking their fortune, and not knowing the danger of the treacherous desert wastes, the poisoned-water holes and the outlaw bands of marauders who roam the desert in search of the gold found by others. He comes to their aid and, eventually, manges to clear his name of the false charge against him.
Directed by
Otho Lovering
Dean Jagger
Adam Larey
Raymond Hatton
Leif Erickson
Anna Q. Nilsson
Mrs. Virey
Fuzzy Knight
Deputy Scott
Monte Blue
Guerd Larey
Edward Ellis
Gail Patrick
Ruth Virey
Charles Waldron
Mr. Virey
Kenneth Harlan
Buster Crabbe
Big Ben
Trixie Friganza
Big Jo
Stanley Andrews
Sheriff Collinshaw
Jim Thorpe
Charlie Jim
Tammany Young
Benny Baker
Piano Player

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