Drama Romance Thriller
Even though he's the only black student at the elite Palmetto Grove Academy, star basketball player and future NBA hopeful Odin James has the adoration of all, including the team's coach and the Dean's beautiful daughter Desi. Odin's troubled friend Hugo, the coach's son, is deeply resentful of his father's preference of Odin on and off the court. When Hugo plots a diabolical scheme to sow the seed of mistrust between O and Desi, it sets in motion a disturbing chain of events which erupts into a firestorm of breathtaking intensity.
Directed by
Tim Blake Nelson
Josh Hartnett
Hugo Goulding
Julia Stiles
Desi Brable
Mekhi Phifer
Odin James
Martin Sheen
Coach Duke Goulding
Andrew Keegan
Michael Cassio
Tim Blake Nelson
John Heard
Dean Brable
Elden Henson
Roger Calhoun
Rain Phoenix
Anthony Johnson
Christopher Jones
Kelvin O'Bryant
Ball Boy
Chris Dong
Dutchman Player
Rachel Shumate
Marshall Gitter
Radio Announcer
Lisa Benavides
Ms. Serney
Ken French
Scout #1
Dana Ratliff
T.V. Announcer
Ronalda Stover
Woman Score Keeper

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