Animation Fantasy Action Sci-Fi
After the conclusion of the Battle City Tournament, deep below the sands of Egypt, an ancient evil has awakened. Anubis, who was defeated centuries ago by Yugi’s mysterious alter ego – the ancient Pharaoh – has returned for revenge. Wielding the power of the Eighth Millennium Item, Anubis is determined to destroy Yugi and take over the world.
Directed by
Hatsuki Tsuji
Written by
Michael Pecoriello
Tara Sands
Mokuba Kaiba (voice)
Christopher Collet
Additional Voices
Sebastian Arcelus
Additional Voices
Gregory Abbey
Tristan Taylor (voice)
Eric Stuart
Seto Kaiba (voice)
Amy Birnbaum
Téa Gardner (voice)
Maddie Blaustein
Solomon Muto (voice)
Wayne Grayson
Joey Wheeler (voice)
Darren Dunstan
Maximillion Pegasus (voice)
Lisa Ortiz
Additional Voices
Ted Lewis
Additional Voices
Dan Green
Yugi Mutou / Yami Yugi (voice)
Scott Rayow
Anubis (voice)

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