Adventure Comedy Romance War
Marine Sergeant James O'Hearn is being tried at the San Diego Marine base for desertion, theft, scandalous conduct and destruction of property in time of war. He refuses to testify or plead guilty or not guilty to the charges. Showgirl Ginger Martin takes the stand against his protest. She testifies O'Hearn won't talk because he is protecting the name of his pal, Marine Private Davey White. Ginger tells how she, broke and stranded, met the two marines in Shanghai two weeks before Pearl Harbor.
Directed by
Arthur Lubin
Burt Lancaster
Sgt. James O'Hearn
Hayden Rorke
Prosecution Lt. Fears
Chuck Connors
Pvt. Davey White
Leon Askin
Pierre Marchand
Virginia Mayo
Ginger Martin
Strother Martin
Marine in Audience at Court-martial (uncredited)
Keye Luke
Japanese Deck Officer (uncredited)
Paul Burke
Ensign at Court-martial
Rudolph Anders
Capt. van Dorck
John Alderson
Fitzroy - Baritone
Arthur Shields
'Jimmy-legs' Donovan
Raymond Greenleaf
Captain at Court-martial
Bob Sweeney
Defense Lt. Miller
Grace Lem
Mama Ching
Henri Letondal
Barry Kelley
Col. Hickman
Veola Vonn
Lillie Duval
William O'Leary
Smith - Embezzler
Georges Saurel
Viola Daniels
Lillie's 'niece'
Alena Awes
Lillie's 'niece'

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