Animation Comedy Family Adventure
Santa Claus's wish comes true when he accidentally bumps his head and starts believing he's SuperKlaus. With the help of Billie and Leo his elf-xecutive assistant, SuperKlaus will take on a toy-obsessed businessman to save Christmas.
Directed by
Steve Majaury
Written by
Sylvie Bélanger, Phil Ivanusic
Colm Feore
Frank Fafnir (voice)
Harland Williams
Santa Claus / SuperKlaus (voice)
Millie Davis
Billie (voice)
Lucinda Davis
Billie's Mother (voice)
Eleanor Noble
Wyatt Bowen
Antonio Daniel Hidalgo
Billie's Father (voice)
Paul Van Dyck
Leo (voice)
Tallula Dinsmoore
Alicia (voice)

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