Adventure Comedy Family
Major Benson Winifred Payne is being discharged from the Marines. Payne is a killin' machine, but the wars of the world are no longer fought on the battlefield. A career Marine, he has no idea what to do as a civilian, so his commander finds him a job - commanding officer of a local school's JROTC program, a bunch of ragtag losers with no hope.
Directed by
Nick Castle
Damon Wayans
Maj. Benson Payne
Michael Ironside
Lt. Col. Stone
Nick Castle
Karyn Parsons
Emily Walburn
George Cheung
Vietcong Soldier (uncredited)
Andrew Leeds
Cadet Dotson
William Hickey
Dr. Phillips
Chris Williams
Joseph Blaire
Cadet Bryan
Orlando Brown
Cadet Kevin 'Tiger' Dunne
Chris Owen
Cadet Wuliger
Ross Bickell
Col. Braggart
Albert Hall
Gen. Decker
Steven Martini
Cadet Alex Stone
Michael Gabel
Lt. Wiseman
Damien Dante Wayans
Cadet Deak Williams
Hechter Ubarry
Guerilla Leader
R.J. Knoll
Blind New Cadet
Scott Bigelow
Huge Biker
Robert Shepherd
Army Officer (uncredited)
Leonard L. Thomas
Bleeding Soldier
Mark W. Madison
Cadet Fox
Peyton Chesson-Fohl
Cadet Sgt. Johnson
Stephen Coleman
Cadet Leland
Mark Conway
Police Sergeant
David DeHart
Wellington Cadet Captain
Joshua Todd Diveley
New Cadet
Robert Faraoni Jr.
Smart Ass Soldier
Seymour Swan
Carolyn Walker
Miss Goodman
R. Stephen Wiles
Cadet Heathcoat
Tommy Wiles
John Louis Fischer
Chopper pilot
P. Rodney Barnes
Curtis Bush

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