Animation Comedy Family Crime
Little Red Riding Hood: A classic story, but there's more to every tale than meets the eye. Before you judge a book by its cover, you've got to flip through the pages. In the re-telling of this classic fable, the story begins at the end of the tale and winds its way back. Chief Grizzly and Detective Bill Stork investigate a domestic disturbance at Granny's cottage, involving a karate-kicking Red Riding Hood, a sarcastic wolf and an oafish Woodsman.
Directed by
Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards, Tony Leech
Written by
Cory Edwards, Todd Edwards, Tony Leech
Anne Hathaway
Red (voice)
Emma Thompson
Lesa (voice)
Glenn Close
Granny (voice)
Patrick Warburton
The Wolf (voice)
Anthony Anderson
Detective Bill Stork (voice)
Tom Kenny
Tommy (voice)
Tara Strong
Zorra (voice)
Ken Marino
Raccoon Jerry (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
P-Biggie (voice)
Kelly Stables
Schnitzel Kid #1 (voice)
Andy Dick
Boingo (voice)
Jim Belushi
The Woodsman (voice)
Chief Grizzly (voice)
David Ogden Stiers
Nicky Flippers (voice)
Chazz Palminteri
Woolworth (voice)
Cory Edwards
Twitchy (voice)
Ben Folds
Charles Coplin
Caterpillar #1 (voice)
Joshua J. Greene
Jimmy Lizard (voice)
Mark Primiano
2-Tone (voice)
Tye Edwards
Dolph (voice)
Kathryn J. Lovegren
Quill (voice)
Troy Norton
Caterpillar #2 (voice)
Vicki Edwards
Skunk Reporter (voice)

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