Adventure Action Comedy
Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.
Directed by
Jackie Chan, Eric Tsang
Jackie Chan
Jackie (Asian Hawk)
Rosamund Kwan
Lola Forner
May Bannon
Carina Lau
Member of The Losers Band
Anthony Chan Yau
Member of The Losers Band
Alan Tam
Eric Tsang
Kenny Bee
Member of The Losers Band
Božidar Smiljanić
Count Bannon
Ding Yue
Blackie Ko Shou-Liang
Lau Kar-Wing
Season Ma
Paco Yick Tin-Hung
Ken Boyle
Grand Wizard
Yuen-Leung Poon
Bennett Pang Kin-San
Member of The Losers Band
John Ladalski
Michael Lai Siu-Tin
Fanny Leung Man-Yee
Wan Fat
Robert O'Brien
Witch Doctor
Marcia Chisholm
Amazon Woman Fighter
Linda Denley
Amazon Woman Fighter
Stephanie Evans
Amazon Woman Fighter
Alicia Shonte
Amazon Woman Fighter
Vivian Wickliffe
Amazon Woman Fighter
Danny Yip
Member of The Losers Band
Wayne Archer
Wizard's Monk
Geoffrey Brown
Gary Carter
Bearded Monk
Alexander Chan Mong-Wah
Heung Suet-Wai

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