Drama Comedy
A travelling theater-company performs Offenbach's "The Beautiful Helene" when an officer in the audience notices the similarity in appearance between the leading actor Leonard Pettersson and the king Charles XV.With Pettersson dressed as the king and the other actors as the royal suite, they all go to Herrsunda castle where the officer is trying to make an impression on his fiance.
Directed by
Ragnar Hyltén-Cavallius
Written by
Ragnar Hyltén-Cavallius
John Melin
Guest at the royal ball
Olav Riégo
Gentleman at the royal court
Birgit Tengroth
Marie-Louise Löwencreutz
Ingrid Luterkort
Wiktor Andersson
Ajax 2
Åke Ohberg
Carl Henrik von Grimm
Wictor Hagman
Bellan Roos
Maid with a hen
Erland Colliander
George Fant
Young man at the royal ball
Nils Wahlbom
Casimir Löwencreutz
Georg Fernquist
King's footman
Rolf Botvid
Guest at the royal ball
Thor Modéen
Alexander Dryselius
Håkan Westergren
Charles-Emile Spaak
Gösta Ekman
Leonard Pettersson / Carl XV
Helga Brofeldt
Guest at the royal ball
Tollie Zellman
Sophie Strååk
Folke Helleberg
Semmy Friedmann
Italian fireworks expert
Gull Natorp
Adèle Löwencreutz
Maritta Marke
Stina Sorbon
Hugo Tranberg
Parish constable
Nils Dahlgren
Emil Fjellström
Unit manager
Hilding Gavle
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Stina Ståhle
Viveka Linder
John Ekman
Olga Andersson
Countess Ehrencrona
Marie-Louise Sorbon
Helge Kihlberg
Peggy Lindberg
Ida Gawell-Blumenthal
Carl Winsberg
Millan Bolander
James Westheimer
Knut Frankman
Carl Harald
Marianne Lenard
Bengt-Olof Granberg
Sven Arvor
Signe Lundberg-Settergren
Gillis Blom
Erik Johansson
Richard Lindström
Ingeborg Strandin
Axel Lindberg
Ollars-Erik Landberg
Otto Adelby
Lisa Wirström
Carl Andersson
Olga Adamsen
Eric Magnusson
Jullan Jonsson
Carin Appelberg-Sandberg
John Sandling
Lennart Lauber

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