Comedy Drama
With the election approaching, a judge in a Southern town at the turn of the 20th century is involved variously in revealing the real identity of a young woman, reliving his Civil War memories, and preventing the lynching of an African youth.
Directed by
John Ford
Grant Withers
Buck Ramsey
Milburn Stone
Horace K. Maydew
John Russell
Ashby Corwin
Patrick Wayne
Cadet (uncredited)
Francis Ford
Hal Baylor
Rufe Ramseur Jr.
Slim Pickens
Ludwig Stössel
Herman Felsburg
Trevor Bardette
Rufe Ramseur
James Kirkwood
General Fairfield
Ernest Whitman
Pleasant 'Uncle Plez' Woodford
Jane Darwell
Aurora Ratchitt
Mae Marsh
GAR Woman at the Ball
Charles Winninger
William Pittman Priest
Mitchell Lewis
Andy Redcliffe
Stepin Fetchit
Jeff Poindexter
Paul Hurst
Jimmy Bagby
Arleen Whelan
Lucy Lee Lake
Russell Simpson
Lewt Lake
Clarence Muse
Uncle Zack
Chuck Hayward
Deputy (uncredited)
Henry O'Neill
Joe D. Habersham
Jack Perrin
Townsman (uncredited)
Eve March
Mallie Cramp
Dorothy Jordan
Lucy Lee's Mother
Wilbur Mack
Party Guest at Ball (uncredited)
Elzie Emanuel
U.S. Grant 'You Ess' Woodford
Irvin S. Cobb
Ken Williams
Maydew's Henchman

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