Adventure Action Comedy Romance
When Ah Bu, a girl from a small fishing town in Taiwan, finds a glass bottle with a romantic message, she travels to Hong Kong to find her prince charming. As it turns out, her prince charming, Albert, happens to be gay. But all is not lost when Ah Bu meets the dashing Chi Wu. Meanwhile, Ah Bu's boyfriend from Taiwan comes looking for her, as the action and romance follow Ah Bu back to Taiwan.
Directed by
Vincent Kok
Jackie Chan
C.N. Chan
Stephen Chow
Policeman with dog
Shu Qi
Ah Bu
Tony Leung Chiu-wai
Daniel Wu
Photographer's Assistant
Richie Jen
Long Yi
Sam Lee
Gay Thug
Stephen Fung
Photographer's Assistant
Emil Chau Wah-Kin
L.W. Lo
Ken Lo
Lo's Bodyguard
Law Kar-Ying
Restaurant Manager
Eileen Tung Oi-Ling
Sandra Ng Kwun-Yu
Airport Pickpocket
Carmen Soo
Masked Metal Bat Thug (uncredited)
Vincent Kok
Man at Pier
Chan Chung-Yung
Bu's Father
Asuka Higuchi
Pretty Girl at seaside
Cheung Tat-Ming
Glasses Guy on airplane
Kwan Yung
Lo's Bodyguard
Lam Suet
Bu's Father's Friend
Ken Wong
Photographer's Assistant
Jo Kuk Cho-Lam
Pretty Girl at seaside
Tenky Tin Kai-Man
Gay Thug
Annie Wu
Xiao Jun
Sammy Leung
Factory Worker
Joe Cheng Cho
Security Manager
Elaine Jin
Bu's Mother
Eric Kot Man-Fai
Man at Pier
Bradley James Allan
William Duen Wai-Lun
Lo's Bodyguard
Edmond So
Gay Thug
Tats Lau Yee-Tat
Chan's Butler
Terence Tsui Chi-Hung
Gay Thug
William Chan Yuk-Choh
Lo's Bodyguard
Siu Wai Cheung
Jacqueline Li
Alice Pang Wai-Kwan
Pretty Girl at seaside

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