Comedy Romance Music
Upholsterer's assistant Irene O'Dare meets wealthy Don Marshall while she is measuring chairs for Mrs. Herman Vincent at her Long Island estate. Charmed by her, Don anonymously purchases Madame Lucy's, an exclusive Manhattan boutique, and instructs newly hired manager Mr. Smith to offer Irene a job as a model. She soon catches the eye of socialite Bob Vincent, whose mother is hosting a ball at the family mansion. To promote Madame Lucy's dress line, Mr. Smith arranges for his models to be invited to the ball.
Directed by
Herbert Wilcox
Arthur Treacher
Ray Milland
Don Marshall
Marsha Hunt
Miss Eleanor Worth
Roland Young
Mr. Smith
Dorothy Dandridge
One of the Dandridge Sisters (uncredited)
Alexander D'Arcy
Mr. Dumont (uncredited)
Alan Marshal
Bob Vincent
Michael Jeffers
Bus Passenger (uncredited)
Billie Burke
Mrs. Herman Vincent
Herschel Graham
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
May Robson
Granny O'Dare
Doris Nolan
Louis Jean Heydt
'Biffy' Webster (uncredited)
Tommy Kelly
Michael O'Dare
Larry Steers
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Cyril Ring
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Anna Neagle
Irene O'Dare
Isabel Jewell
Jane McGee
Syd Saylor
The Gardener (uncredited)
Hank Mann
Sam (uncredited)
Nella Walker
Mrs. Marshall (uncredited)
Vivian Dandridge
One of the Dandridge Sisters (uncredited)
Juliette Compton
Mrs. Newlands Grey
Ethel Griffies
Princess Minetti
Richard Neill
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Martha Tilton
Susie Smith (uncredited)
Roxanne Barkley
J. C. Fowler
Theatre Patron (uncredited)
Rosemary La Planche
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Stuart Robertson
Rod Bacon
Usher (uncredited)
Mildred Boyd
Dancer (uncredited)
Tom Coleman
Diner Patron (uncredited)
Jack Deery
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Avanelle Harris
Dancer (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Etta Jones
One of the Dandridge Sisters (uncredited)
Mike Lally
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Hans Moebus
Club Patron (uncredited)
Bert Moorhouse
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Hattie Noel
'Mama' Show Singer (uncredited)
Neva Peoples
Singer (uncredited)
Tom Quinn
Charity Ball Guest (uncredited)
Edwin Tuttle
Club Patron (uncredited)

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