Adventure Animation Drama Family
When a feisty little fox named Tod is adopted into a farm family, he quickly becomes friends with a fun and adorable hound puppy named Copper. Life is full of hilarious adventures until Copper is expected to take on his role as a hunting dog -- and the object of his search is his best friend!
Directed by
Ted Berman, Art Stevens, Richard Rich
Kurt Russell
Copper (voice)
Corey Feldman
Young Copper (voice)
Jeanette Nolan
Widow Tweed (voice)
Keith Coogan
Young Tod (voice)
Mickey Rooney
Tod (voice)
Richard Bakalyan
Dinky (voice)
John McIntire
Badger (voice)
John Fiedler
Porcupine (voice)
Pat Buttram
Chief (voice)
Paul Winchell
Boomer (voice)
Jack Albertson
Amos Slade (voice)
Pearl Bailey
Big Mama (voice)
Sandy Duncan
Vixey (voice)
Clarence Nash
Bear (Snarling) (voice)
James MacDonald
Bear (Growling) (voice)
Jim Stafford

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