Animation Family Comedy
After the disastrous food storm in the first film, Flint and his friends are forced to leave the town. Flint accepts the invitation from his idol Chester V to join The Live Corp Company, which has been tasked to clean the island, and where the best inventors in the world create technologies for the betterment of mankind. When Flint discovers that his machine still operates and now creates mutant food beasts like living pickles, hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees and apple pie-thons, he and his friends must return to save the world.
Directed by
Cody Cameron, Kris Pearn
Andy Samberg
Brent McHale (voice)
Anna Faris
Sam Sparks (voice)
James Caan
Tim Lockwood (voice)
Benjamin Bratt
Manny (voice)
Bill Hader
Flint Lockwood (voice)
Neil Patrick Harris
Steve (voice)
Terry Crews
Earl Devereaux (voice)
Kristen Schaal
Barb (voice)
Scott Menville
Additional Voices (voice)
Kelly Stables
Additional Voices (voice)
Marina Squerciati
Additional Voices (voice)
Will Forte
Chester V (voice)
Cody Cameron
Barry / Dill Pickle (voice)
June Christopher
Additional Voices (voice)
Al Roker
Patrick Patrickson (voice)
Khamani Griffin
Cal Devereaux (voice)
Robert Smigel
David Cowgill
Additional Voices (voice)
Tania Gunadi
Additional Voices (voice)
Bridget Hoffman
Young Flint (voice)
Peter Siragusa
Additional Voices (voice)
Maddie Taylor
Additional Voices (voice)
Jackie Gonneau
Additional Voices (voice)
Melissa Sturm
Sentinel Louise / Live Corp Scientist (voice)
Walter Jones
Additional Voices (voice)
Eddie Frierson
Additional Voices (voice)
Shane Sweet
Additional Voices (voice)
Wendy Hoffmann
Additional Voices (voice)
Elisa Gabrielli
Additional Voices (voice)
David Sheinkopf
Additional Voices (voice)
Steve Alterman
Additional Voices (voice)

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