Action Drama Romance
Eddie Lomax is a drifter who has been in a suicidal funk since the death of his close friend Johnny. Riding his motorcycle into a small desert town where Johnny once lived, Lomax is confronted by a gang of toughs, who beat him and steal his bike. However, Lomax is not a man to take an injustice lying down, and soon he begins exacting a violent revenge on the men who stole his motorcycle, with local handyman Jubal Early lending a hand and several area ladies offering aid and comfort.
Directed by
John G. Avildsen
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Eddie Lomax
Jaime Pressly
Dottie Matthews
Danny Trejo
Johnny Six Toes
Silas Weir Mitchell
Jesse Hogan
Jeff Kober
Pat Morita
Jubal Early
Lee Tergesen
Bill Erwin
Eli Hamilton
Gabrielle Fitzpatrick
Rhonda Reynolds
Paul Koslo
Priscilla Pointer
Mrs. Henry Howard
Vincent Schiavelli
Mr. Singh
Larry Drake
Ramsey Hogan
Michael Papajohn
Randy Hall
Jonathan Avildsen
Petey Hogan
Peter Malota
Gregory Scott Cummins
Ford Rainey
Pop Reynolds
Robert Symonds
Henry Howard
Kamel Krifa
Kevin West
Erik Audé
Ed Trotta
Jim Hanks
Tour Bus Driver
Brett Harrelson
Philip Bruns
Old Man Buyer
Ray Chang
Mr. Chang
David "Shark" Fralick
Matt Hogan
Neil Delama
Nikki Bokal
Carol Delvecchio
Natalie Barish
Old Woman Buyer
Cynthia Palmer
Woman on the Bus
Steve Stafford
Clarke Coleman

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