Comedy Romance
A 29-year old aspiring composer—still single and without any romantic prospects—vows to both marry and write a hit musical before he turns 30. Director Joseph McGrath's 1968 British comedy stars Dudley Moore, Suzy Kendall, Eddie Foy Jr. and Patricia Routledge.
Directed by
Joseph McGrath
Written by
Joseph McGrath, Dudley Moore, John Wells
Dudley Moore
Rupert Street
Suzy Kendall
Louise Hammond
Harry Towb
Mr. Woolley
Patricia Routledge
Mrs. Woolley
John Bird
Herbert Greenslade
Frank Thornton
Nicky Henson
Derek Farr
TV Announcer
Duncan Macrae
Jock McCue
Eddie Foy Jr.
Clive Dunn
Micheál Mac Liammóir
Irish Storyteller
Peter Bayliss
John Wells
Honorable Gavin Hopton
Jonathan Routh
Captain Gore-Taylor
Ted Dicks Jr.
Horst Cohen
Billy Williams

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