Crime Thriller Drama
Shinjiro, who runs a humble detective agency using a coffee shop in a certain town as his office, gets into trouble at a dark gambling den and is forced to take on a troublesome job by Kyoichi, an executive of the Kasahara clan, a yakuza gang he knows well. The task is to investigate an arson case that is suspected to involve the Chinese mafia Barretto, with whom the Kasahara-gumi has a rival gang. In addition, Shinjiro is asked by Michiko, whose Filipino parents were deported in the past, to search for her best friend, a Kurdish woman who mysteriously disappeared. However, as he pursues the two cases, he finds himself caught up in a war between two huge underworld organizations.
Directed by
Kotaro Ikawa
Written by
Norio Kida, Futoshi Nakano
Akari Takaishi
Akaji Maro
Atomu Mizuishi
Yukiya Kitamura
Shinjiro Renjo
Yohta Kawase
Yuzu Aoki
Yuya Takagawa
Yohei Matsukado
Iriya Take
Kentaro Furuyama

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