Drama Romance
Judge Cass Timberlane marries a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, Virginia Marshland. A baby is stillborn and she turns more and more to attorney friend of of Cass' Brad Criley. While quarreling the Judge tells Virginia to stay with Brad, but when she becomes sick he brings her home.
Directed by
George Sidney
Cameron Mitchell
Eino Roskinen
Richard Gaines
Dennis Thane
Lana Turner
Virginia 'Jinny' Marshland
John Litel
Webb Wargate
Mary Astor
Queenie Havock
Josephine Hutchinson
Lillian Drover
Frank Wilcox
Gregg Marl
Frank Ferguson
Court Clerk
Albert Dekker
Boone Havock
Tom Drake
Jamie Wargate
Spencer Tracy
Cass Timberlane
Margaret Lindsay
Chris Grau
John Alexander
Dr. Roy Drover
Rose Hobart
Diantha Marl
Zachary Scott
Bradd Criley
Mona Barrie
Avis Elderman
Selena Royle
Louise Wargate
Robert Riordan
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