Comedy Drama
Ferdinand Weitel, a forklift driver, is desperate: Insurance agent Arno von Mehling, a true sales talent, has had contracts signed in record amounts. Now Weitel is wandering through the corridors of the insurance company trying to save what can still be saved - on Shrove Tuesday of all days. The department for customer service and complaints is in a colorful mood and has no ear for Weitel's worries. Finally, secretary Annerose Waguscheit takes heart and tells him about the evening carnival ball "Traum-Police", where he can safely find Mr. Mehling.
Directed by
Hanns Christian Müller
Jochen Busse
Professor Heinzel
Gerhard Polt
Ferdinand Weitel
Hansi Jochmann
Mrs. Matussek
Veronika Faber
Mrs. Miriam
Bruno Jonas
Sylvia Engelmann
Party Guest (uncredited)
Nikolaus Paryla
Arno von Mehling
Dieter Hildebrandt
Dr. Berzelmeier
Monika John
Karl Obermayr
Winfried Deutelmoser
Gisela Schneeberger
Annerose Waguscheit
Hans-Günter Martens
Dr. von Rüden
Hans Stadtmüller
Wolfgang Gropper
Heinz Böhm
Peter Welz
Markus Wandrey
Maria Singer
Helena Rosenkranz
Gerda Jessike
Ursula Soremba
Konrad van Beust
Egon Keresztes
Horst Peukert
Alfred Ullrich

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