Drama Comedy Thriller
A pair of macho private detectives pose as a gay couple to gain access into the world of a perverted wealthy widow, Doña Josefina, also known as “Mrs. Open Mind.” The widow’s summer home, it seems, is a legendary lightning rod for scandal because of mysterious and evil incidents that occur there.
Directed by
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo
Written by
Arturo Villaseñor
María Rojo
Dona Josefina
Alejandro Tommasi
Don Joaquin
Manuel Medina
Javier / Gilberto
José Juan Meraz
Alfonso / Alejandro
Karla Constantini
Abril Medina
Irma Villaseñor
Lorena Curiel
Edwin Ballesteros
Citlali Navarro
Gerardo González

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