Drama History Comedy
In 1968 America, as two men fight to become the next president, all eyes are on the battle between two others: the cunningly conservative William F. Buckley Jr., and the unruly liberal Gore Vidal. During a new nightly television format, they debate the moral landscape of a shattered nation.
Directed by
Jeremy Herrin
Written by
James Graham
Zachary Quinto
Gore Vidal
Sam Otto
Tariq Ali / Matt
John Hodgkinson
Howard K Smith / Mayor Daley
David Harewood
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Emilio Doorgasingh
William Sheehan / Chet Huntley / Howard Austen
Tom Godwin
Frank Meyer / Andy Warhol / Bobby Kennedy / More...
Kevin McMonagle
Elmer Lower / Walter Kronkite
Clare Foster
Patricia Buckley
Syrus Lowe
James Baldwin / George / Martin Luther King, Jr.
Deborah Alli
Aretha Franklin / Patty the Party Guest / Brooke Gladstone

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