Kiyohime, a daughter of Tokugawa Ienari is married-off to Tadateru Ogura, the lord of a Kyushu clan. However, the lord's sexual inexperience and Kiyohime's strict morals lead to significant crisis in their marriage. To improve his sexual prowess, the lord is introduced to Sandra, a French woman held captive by usurer-smuggler Hatakaya. This results in the lord's choosing Sandra as his mistress. Kiyohime's attendants see this move as an insult and have Sandra beaten and imprisoned. Nevertheless, Sandra escapes with the help of Morita, a retainer of the lord. Out of bitterness and as some sort of revenge, the lord imposes a sex ban on his subjects.
Directed by
Norifumi Suzuki
Hiroshi Nawa
Tadateru Ogura
Akira Ōizumi
Shingo Yamashiro
Fumio Watanabe
Taiji Tonoyama
Yōko Mihara
Miki Sugimoto
Masataka Naruse
Miwako Onaya
Sandra Julien
Kinji Nakamura
Emi Jo
Ryôko Ema
Tsuyako Okajima
Utako Kyō
Komimasa Tanaka
Ruriko Ikejima
Keisuke Otori
Sanpei Taira
Hachirō Oka
Yuuko Mizuki
Audrey Cruise
Midori Yamamoto
Kojirō Kawanami
Ryōta Minowada
Takeshi Kumagai
Kaya Hozumi
Kazuyo Kyomachi
Reiko Mikawa
Mie Hayashi
Ayako Hidaka

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