TV Movie Comedy Romance
Winter sets in as top chef Grace Cooke, at the helm of a high-end restaurant, rakes in rave reviews due to her gastro-scientific approach to cuisine. She’s close to a Michelin star when a bad review from a top critic rocks her world. With her boss’ blessing, she takes time off to see her family at their winery B&B over Christmas. There, she connects with worldly travel writer Asher St. James, and sparks fly with family traditions as Asher helps her reconnect with her roots.
Directed by
Dave Thomas
Written by
Jenna Brister
Sarah Navratil
Delaney Fox
Ansley Gordon
Grace Cooke
Adam Harper
Chris Connell
Asher St. James
Mark Evans
Bob Cardigan
Edward Lewis French
Carlos Harrison
Uncle Neil
Kelly Ryan
Aunt Trish
Julia Reilly
Meg Biddle Smith
Felicity Rockitt
Hannah Lewis
Nico Alexander
Benjamin Mitchell
Sanondrah Blake

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