Adventure Comedy Action Crime
Jack Hammond is sentenced to life in prison, but manages to escape. To get away from the police he takes a girl as hostage and drives off in her car. The girl happens to be the only daughter of one of the richest men in the state. In a while the car chase is being broadcast live on every TV-channel.
Directed by
Adam Rifkin
Charlie Sheen
Jackson Hammond
Kristy Swanson
Natalie Voss
Cary Elwes
Steve Horsegroovy
Ray Wise
Dalton Voss
Claudia Christian
Yvonne Voss
Rocky Carroll
Byron Wilder (Channel 8 traffic reporter)
Henry Rollins
Officer Dobbs (lead chase car driver)
Ron Jeremy
Channel 3 Cameraman
Marshall Bell
Ari Josephson
Anthony Kiedis
Josh Mostel
Officer Figus
Joey Sagal
Sergeant Hodges
Wayne Grace
Chief Boyle
Marco Perella
Cop 2
Alex Morris
Cop 1
Buddy Joe Hooker
Bree Walker
Wendy Sorenson
Miles Dougal
Liam Segal
Wirt Cain
Bill Cromwell

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