Action Adventure Drama Fantasy
Yukito, who gave Shinichi Saruhara/Saru Brother chiropractic treatment sees that Shinichi and Haruka Kito/Oni Sister are Super Sentai members, causing Ryoga to reveal that they are the Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger. While listening to their story, Shinichi is shocked to discover the big difference of personality between AbaRed and Don Momotaro. A Hitosuki later appears.
Directed by
Kenshin Tanimoto
Written by
Shunto Nishi
Kouhei Higuchi
Don Momotaro (voice)
Kohaku Shida
Haruka Kito
Shou Tomita
Yukito Sanjou/Abare Blue
Yuuki Beppu
Shinichi Saruhara/Saru Brother
Kouichiro Nishi
Ryouga Hakua/AbaRed
Miyuki Nishijima
Emiri Imanaka Sanjou

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