Horror Mystery Thriller
After a 4 a.m. knock at the door and haunting voices, Kristen McKay and James Hoyt’s remote getaway becomes a psychological night of terror as three masked strangers invade. Now they must go far beyond what they thought themselves capable of if they hope to survive.
Directed by
Bryan Bertino
Liv Tyler
Kristen McKay
Scott Speedman
James Hoyt
Glenn Howerton
Laura Margolis
Pin-Up Girl
Kip Weeks
Man in the Mask
Gemma Ward
Daniel Auber
Alex Fisher
Mormon Boy #1
Peter Clayton-Luce
Mormon Boy #2
Nick Barghini
Joe - Lumberjack (uncredited)
Shawn McClellan
Shawn the Bartender (uncredited)
Jordan Orr
Jordan - 911 Caller (voice) (uncredited)
Kimberly Bishop
Ashleigh Falls
Craig Newkirk
Elizabeth Rowin

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