Comedy Drama Romance
Charlie Lang is a simple, kindhearted New York City cop. When he realizes he has no money to tip waitress Yvonne Biasi, Lang offers her half the winnings of his lottery ticket. Amazingly, the ticket happens to be a winner, in the sum of $4 million. True to his word, Lang proceeds to share the prize money with Biasi, which infuriates his greedy wife, Muriel. Not content with the arrangement, Muriel begins scheming to take all the money.
Directed by
Andrew Bergman
Nicolas Cage
Charlie Lang
Emily Deschanel
Paint Throwing Fur-Activist
Stanley Tucci
Eddie Biasi
Richard Jenkins
C. Vernon Hale
Wendell Pierce
Bo Williams
Bridget Fonda
Yvonne Biasi
Peter Jacobson
Television Reporter
Rosie Perez
Muriel Lang
Vincent Pastore
Bowling Team Member
Barry Squitieri
Bowling Team Member
Ranjit Chowdhry
Mr. Patel
Kaipo Schwab
Plaza Bellhop
Isaac Hayes
Angel Dupree
Angel David
Ann Dowd
Red Buttons
Walter Zakuto
Seymour Cassel
Jack Gross
Kathleen McNenny
Plaza Desk Clerk
Frank Pellegrino
Water's Edge Maitre D'
Brenda Pressley
Television Reporter
Angela Pietropinto
Jury Foreperson
Merwin Goldsmith
Bankruptcy Judge
J.E. Freeman
Sal Bontempo
Jim Lovelett
Beatrice Winde
Charles Busch
Lim Kay Tong
Víctor Rojas
Robert Dorfman
Alan Muraoka
Television Reporter
Alex Stevens
Rene Rivera
Willie Colón
Budd Mishkin
Television Reporter
Ginny Yang
Mrs. Sun
Claudia Shear
Muriel's Customer
John Norman Thomas
Mr. Muktananda
Bob Sheppard
Yankee Stadium Announcer
John Louis Fischer
Plaza Bellhop
Mina Bern
Muriel's Neighbour
Jack Cafferty
Television Reporter
Felipe Luciano
Television Reporter
Ellen Lancaster
Television Reporter
Anna Lobell
Deli Customer
George J. Manos
Loto Official
Pedro Pietri
Homeless Man in Coffee Shop
Candece Tarpley
Bo's Wife
Emena C. Santiago
Bo's Daughter, Tracey
Feiga Martinez
Jesu's Mom
John R. Russell
Blind Beggar
Mike Lisenco
Jeffrey H. Kaufman

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