Comedy Romance
With his family away for their annual summer holiday, a publishing executive decides to live a bachelor's life. The beautiful but ditzy blonde from the apartment above catches his eye and they soon start spending time together—maybe a little too much time!
Directed by
Billy Wilder
Marilyn Monroe
The Girl
Marguerite Chapman
Miss Morris
Oskar Homolka
Dr. Brubaker
Carolyn Jones
Miss Finch
Kathleen Freeman
Woman at Vegetarian Restaurant (uncredited)
Tom Ewell
Richard Sherman
Doro Merande
Waitress at Vegetarian Restaurant (uncredited)
Ron Nyman
Indian (uncredited)
Evelyn Keyes
Helen Sherman
Robert Strauss
M. Kruhulik
Dorothy Ford
Indian Girl / Tall Beauty at Train Station (uncredited)
Sonny Tufts
Tom MacKenzie
Victor Moore
William H. O'Brien
Man at Train Station (uncredited)
Tom Nolan
Ricky Sherman (uncredited)
Donald MacBride
M. Brady
Dolores Rosedale
Ralph Littlefield
Man at Vegetarian Restaurant (uncredited)
Steven Benson
Kid at Train Station (uncredited)

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