Drama Romance
Autumn in New York follows the sexual exploits of Will Keane - New York restaurateur, infamous verging-on-50 playboy, master of the no-commitment seduction - until he runs into an unexpected dead end when he meets Charlotte Fielding. Charlotte is half Will's age and twice his match, a 21 year-old free spirit yearning to get out and taste the excitement of adult life.
Directed by
Joan Chen
Vera Farmiga
Lisa Tyler
Winona Ryder
Charlotte Fielding
J.K. Simmons
Dr. Tom Grandy
Rachel Nichols
Model at Bar
Richard Gere
Will Keane
Jill Hennessy
Anthony LaPaglia
John Volpe
Liza Lapira
Charlotte's Birthday Friend
Rohan Quine
The Moroccan (uncredited)
Ranjit Chowdhry
Sam Trammell
Elaine Stritch
Dolores "Dolly" Talbot
Patrick Price
458 Waiter
Joan Chen
Kali Rocha
Sherry Stringfield
Tawny Cypress
Jamie Harrold
Mary Beth Hurt
Dr. Sibley
Christopher Lucas
Dance Partner (uncredited)
Bill Raymond
Michael (Doorman)
Nik Pjeternikaj
458 Customer
Laurent Schwaar
458 Waiter
Toby Poser
Autumn Woman #1
Steven Randazzo
Ted Koch
458 Bartender
Kathleen Goldpaugh
St. Vincent's Nurse
Audrey Quock
Daniella van Graas
Model at Bar
Gabriel Portuondo
458 Waiter
Kathryn Hayzer
Ballroom Dancer (uncredited)
Randy Troy
Package Boy (uncredited)
George Spielvogel III
Alvin H. Einbender
458 Bartender
Steven Ravid
458 Customer
Ron Emanuel
458 Customer
Dan Camins
458 Customer
John Guidera
458 Customer
Russell Hunston
458 Customer
Paige Handler
Charlotte's Birthday Friend
Sarah Teresa Burns
Little Girl at Playground
Earl Carroll
Will's Driver
David Filippi
Taxi Driver
Becca Lee
Estelle Robinson
Old Frail Lady
Brittney Bunkis
Little Girl at Museum
Delores Mitchell
Hatsumi Yoshida
Clown at Halloween Party
Kristi Lee Guinness
50's Girl at Halloween Party
Daniella Canterman
Deanna Canterman
Harry Burney
Cheyne M. Hansen
Boy at Rockerfeller
Iris Flick
Nurse at New Haven Hospital
Pamela Twyble
Nurse at Cleveland Heart Institute
Robert Plunket
Grubby Man
Shawna Bermender
Ballroom Dancer (uncredited)
Lindsay Canton
Young Teacher at Museum (uncredited)
Timothy Huang
458 Waiter (uncredited)
Nami Paix
Charlotte's Birthday Friend (uncredited)
Adriana Souza
Ballroom Dancer (uncredited)
Jade Viggiano
Good Fairy Witch (uncredited)

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