Drama Comedy Family
How does a “mental patient” live in a normal world? Wang Zhantuan (Ge You) is a strange man in the world, occasionally crazy and eccentric, but uniquely sane. Zhou Zheng (Wang Junkai), a sensitive and silent teenager who is self-absorbed due to his stutter, but has a silent backbone. The two misfits make a big family headache and farce ...... This movie is adapted from the short story “Immortal Disease” written by Zheng Zhi.
Directed by
Gu Changwei
Written by
Guo Fangfang, Gu Changwei
Ge You
Wang Zhantuan
Karry Wang
Zhou Zheng
Pan Binlong
Director Li
Liu Weiwei
Zhou Zheng's mother
Geng Le
Zhou Zheng's father
Liu Yase
Ye Fangfang
Zhang Benyu
Li Guangyuan
Fan Ming
Director Wu
Li Ping
Zhou Xiuling
Wu Shuang
He Miaozi
Zhao Qian Zi
second aunt
Mao Amin
teacher Yang
Wang Zijian
Mortuary Tutor
Ren Suxi
teacher Zhao
Zhu Huaixu
Zhou Zheng's grandmother
En Mei
Li Tingxu
Young Zhou Zheng
Li Qianyi
Third aunt
Jiang Linger
Wang Haiou
Wang Haiyang

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