Drama Thriller Romance Crime
Cate Blanchett stars as Philippa, a British teacher living in Turin, Italy, who has seen many friends, including her husband, fall victim to drug overdoses. Philippa has repeatedly contacted the police with information about Turin's biggest drug dealer but, complicit in his dealings, they have completely ignored her. So Philippa decides to dole out her own form of justice with a homemade bomb -- setting her off on a journey from young widow to fugitive on the run.
Directed by
Tom Tykwer
Giovanni Ribisi
Cate Blanchett
Remo Girone
Filippo's Father
Gianfranco Barra
The Lieutenant
Vincent Riotta
Chief Guard
Stefania Rocca
Teresa Piergentili
Cleaning Woman
Alessandro Sperduti
Stefano Santospago
Mr. Vendice
Giovanni Vettorazzo
The Inspector
Giuseppe Lo Console
Special Forces Police
Alberto Di Stasio
The Prosecutor
Mattia Sbragia
Major Pini

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