Action Drama
Michel Vaillant is # 1 of pilots, undisputed champion in rallying in all circuits in the world. His success arouses admiration and envy. Ruth Wong, director of Team Leader, is determined to break his streak and avenge the memory of his father, founder of Leader. She is capable of anything to achieve her goal.
Directed by
Louis-Pascal Couvelaire
Diane Kruger
Julie Wood
Stefano Cassetti
Giulio Cavallo
Sagamore Stévenin
Michel Vaillant
Stéphane Metzger
Dan Hawkins
Béatrice Agenin
Élisabeth Vaillant
François Levantal
Bob Cramer
Philippe Lellouche
Philippe Bas
Jean-Pierre Vaillant
Jean-Pierre Cassel
Henri Vaillant
Maurice Illouz
Lisa Barbuscia
Ruth Wong
Agathe de La Boulaye
Gabrielle Spangenberg
Peter Youngblood Hills
Steve Warson
Scott Thrun
David Dougherty
Gary Cowan
Lisa Couvelaire

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