Action Thriller Drama
Han, a Filipino-Korean(Kopino) boxer hits the final punch against his opponent at an illegal game. The opponent is knocked down, and Han returns home with a few dollars to pay for his mother’s surgery. Although he is aware that he shouldn't, he strives to find his father, whom he saw in an old picture. Then, one day, Han rushes to the Kopino Support Center after receiving an unexpected phone call from Mr. Kim, and he follows those who came to pick him up on a board to Korea. Meanwhile, a mysterious child appears and a man keeps an eye on Han at the airport. Who or what is chasing him?
Directed by
Park Hoon-jung
Written by
Park Hoon-jung
Go Ara
Kim Seon-ho
Kim Kang-woo
Director Han
Jung Lael
Choi Jung-woo
President Han
Kang Tae-ju
Marco Han
Lee Ki-young
Mr. Kim
Heo Joon-seok
Lawyer Kang
Noreen Joyce Guerra
Nicole Garcia
Jo Ha-seong

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