Adventure Drama War History
A disgraced officer risks his life to help his childhood friends in battle.
Directed by
Zoltan Korda
Alexander Knox
Bit Part
Allan Jeayes
General Faversham
Leslie Phillips
Boy Doffing Cap at Parade
John Laurie
The Khalifa
Henry Oscar
Dr. Harraz
June Duprez
Ethne Burroughs
Hay Petrie
Mahdi Interpreter
Clive Baxter
Young Harry Faversham
Robert Rendel
C. Aubrey Smith
General Burroughs
Ralph Richardson
John Durrance
John Clements
Harry Faversham
Jack Lambert
Donald Gray
Peter Burroughs
Archibald Batty
Jack Allen
Lieutenant Willoughby
Frederick Culley
Dr Sutton
Derek Elphinstone
Lieutenant Parker
Hal Walters
Norman Pierce
Sergeant Brown
Amid Taftazani
Karaga Pasha
Peter Cozens
Christopher Cozier
Joe Cozier
Joseph Cozier
Josephine Wilson
Mrs. Brown - Sgt. Brown's wife

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