Drama Thriller
Detective Baldassarre spends his forced exile sorting criminal records. He gets a chance to return to the line of fire when two people, an aristocrat and a worker are struck by lightning inside a fancy mansion. The incident would be relegated to freak accidents, but Baldassare's attention is drawn to the strangeness of the events and he begins to investigate.
Directed by
Ursula Andress
Princess Anna Dell'Orso
Peter Ustinov
Harry Hellman
Marcello Mastroianni
Bruno Baldassarre
Agostina Belli
Teresa Colasanti
Mario Scaccia
Marino Cianciarelli
Nando Paone
Jean-Claude Brialy
Van Nijlen
Gianfranco Barra
Antonio Spinnato
Catharina Dahlin
Edith (as Caterina Dalin)
Jimmy il Fenomeno
Protester (uncredited)
Giuseppe Anatrelli
Luigi Zerbinati
The 'Debosciato', nephew of Prince Dell'Orso
Serge Frédéric
Jean-Patrick Junoy
Angelo Monte
Massimiliano Monti
Francesco Infantino
Angelo Piazza
Paola Orefice

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