Drama Comedy
In 1971 Salford fish-and-chip shop owner George Khan expects his family to follow his strict Pakistani Muslim ways. But his children, with an English mother and having been born and brought up in Britain, increasingly see themselves as British and start to reject their father's rules on dress, food, religion, and living in general.
Directed by
Damien O'Donnell
Archie Panjabi
Meenah Khan
Om Puri
George Khan
Gary Lewis
Lesley Nicol
Auntie Annie
Linda Bassett
Ella Khan
Ayub Khan-Din
Madhav Sharma
Mr Shah
Albert Moses
Abdul Karim
Emil Marwa
Maneer Khan
Jimi Mistry
Tariq Khan
Roger Morlidge
Fat Twat
Preeya Kalidas
Nazir's Bride (uncredited)
Kriss Dosanjh
Poppa Khalid
Raji James
Abdul Khan
Ruth Jones
Leena Dhingra
Mrs Shah
Rosalind March
Helen Karim
John Bardon
Mr Moorhouse
Saikat Ahamed
Ian Aspinall
Nazir Khan
Jordan Routledge
Sajid Khan
Chris Bisson
Saleem Khan
Emma Rydal
Stella Moorhouse
Gary Damer
Ernest Moorhouse
Jimmi Harkishin
Iyaaz Ali Khan
Ben Keaton
Kaleem Janjua
Ralph Birtwell
Bruce McGregor
Margaret Blakemore
Thierry Harcourt
Ettienne Francois
Tallat Nawaz
Nigget Shah
Sharmeen Rafi
Nushaaba Shah
Enid Dunn
Judy (uncredited)

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