Animation Adventure Comedy
After touring the world, Bodi takes some time off and returns to his village. When he learns that the girl group, K-9, doesn't know who rock legend Angus Scattergood is, he is compelled to join the musical competition show, “Battle the Beat,” to inspire a new generation of rock stars. But after joining the show, Bodi quickly realizes he has bitten off more than he can chew when he becomes an overnight TV personality sensation.
Directed by
Anthony Bell
Written by
Rob Muir
Eddie Izzard
Angus Scattergood (voice)
Sam Vincent
Lone Wolf / Larry (voice)
Nicole Oliver
Hazel / Lezah (voice)
Michael Adamthwaite
Axe Arrow / Carl (voice)
Bethany Brown
Lucy (voice)
Brian Drummond
Khampa / Floyd (voice)
Ashleigh Ball
Darma / Sheep (voice)
Andrew Francis
Germur / Wolf (voice)
Doron Bell
Neon Lyte (voice)
Diana Kaarina
Mia (voice)
Chiara Zanni
Tess (voice)
Graham Hamilton
Bodi (voice)
Brian Dobson
Fleetwood Yak / Ted (voice)
Zheng Jun

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