Animation Family
Here's one Christmas Carol that's not a lot of humbug. It's the classic story of Ebinezer Scrooge, that miserable miser of old. Laugh along as Scrooge's penny pinching ways are miraculously and hilariously transformed by some pretty nifty Christmas spirits. Join Bob Cratchet, Tiny Tim and, of course, Scrooge in this heartwarming and humorous retelling of an all time Christmas classic. It's past, present and future fun for all!
Directed by
Doug Parker
Written by
Tony Oliver, Mark Ryan-Martin
Richard Newman
Narrator / Ebenezer Scrooge (voice)
Tony Oliver
Lisa Bunting
Mrs. Cratchit / Nun (voice)
Doug Parker
Bob Cratchit / Butcher (voice)
Andrew Seebaran
Zach / Young Scrooge (voice)
Tony Ail
Tiny Tim (voice)
Julie E. Faye
Ghost of Christmas Past / Ghost of Christmas Present (voice)
Katie Murray
Ghost of Christmas Future (voice)
Phil Hayes
Pharmacist (voice)
Britain Durham
Kitten (voice)

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