Comedy Action
The evil Gen. Rancor has his sights set on world domination, and only one man can stop him: Dick Steele, also known as Agent WD-40. Rancor needs to obtain a computer circuit for the missile that he is planning to fire, so Steele teams up with Veronique Ukrinsky, a KGB agent whose father designed the chip. Together they try to locate the evil mastermind's headquarters, where Veronique's father and several other hostages are being held.
Directed by
Rick Friedberg
Leslie Nielsen
Dick Steele
Robert Culp
Barry Bostwick
Norman Coleman
Andy Griffith
General Rancor
Pat Morita
Brian, Waiter in Restaurant
Nicollette Sheridan
Veronique Ukrinsky
Brad Garrett
Short Rancor Guard (Voice)
Taylor Negron
Hulk Hogan
Steele's Other Tag Team Member
Alexandra Paul
Woman in Murphy Bed
Charles Durning
The Director
John Ales
Michael Berryman
Bus Patron with Oxygen Mask
Alex Trebek
Agency Tape Recorder (Voice)
Mr. T
Helicopter Pilot
John Kassir
Rancor Guard at Intercom
Elya Baskin
Professor Ukrinsky
Curtis Armstrong
Pastry Chef
Eddie Deezen
Rancor Guard Who Gets Spit On
Henry Kingi
Marcia Gay Harden
Miss Cheevus
Clyde Kusatsu
Stephanie Romanov
Victoria / Barbara Dahl
Elizabeth Kaitan
Helicopter Ticket Agent
Ray Charles
Mason Gamble
Robert Guillaume
Agent Steve Bishop
'Weird Al' Yankovic
Tony Epper
Katherine Moffat
Agent Moffat
Talisa Soto
Desiree More
Joyce Brothers
Steele's Tag Team Member
Thuy Trang
Shari Shattuck
Rick Cramer
Heimlich, Rancor Terrorist
Laura Albert
Kelly Lange
Kelly Lange
Downtown Julie Brown
Cigarette Girl
Jophery C. Brown
Carlos Lauchu
Elaine Klimaszewski
Twin #2
Roger Clinton, Jr.
Agent Clinton
Esau McKnight
Skippy, Warrior on Cell Phone
Diane Klimaszewski
Twin #1
Tina Arning
Austin Kottke
Boy with Balloons
Reid Worthington
Balloon-Popping Boy
Asbjørn 'Bear' Riis
Guard at Rocket (uncredited)

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